#Japanese kami shrine shambhala mountain center mods
Anyone is welcome and encouraged to contact the mods about hosting the weekly practice thread. This sub is still a place to connect with sangha and to discuss dharma and practice.

Consider it a form of practice, if you like. No ad-homimen or other forms of personal attack - always try to refer to other poster's words only. Please note this includes doing so in a way that is meant to be supporting or affirming. Most critically: this sub will not host any discussion in which the details of individual accounts of abuse and misconduct are picked apart. This may include personal attacks, the posting of tropes common to abuse denial, so-called "gaslighting" in which others are called to question the validity and reality of their own experiences of abuse, and more. We will warn, suspend and eventually ban posters who engage in either the outright or implicit denial or minimization of reported experiences. The current moderators stand in solidarity with those who have shared their experiences of abuse and mistreatment. We have three guiding principles at this time: Whether you're an active Shambhala member, an ex-Shambhalian, confused about your relationship to Shambhala, you came here because of that Shambhala meme account that dislikes our subreddit, or you've just randomly stumbled on this place, we're glad you're here. This subreddit is a place where all are welcome. This sub is in no way associated with Shambhala International. In the context of serious financial uncertainty, the future of the West's largest international Buddhist organization hangs in the unknown.

There have been numerous allegations against the organization's leader and head teacher, Sakyong Mipham and allegations that the organization's leadership endeavored to cover up a culture of sexual violence and secrecy. Shambhala is an international Buddhist organization in crisis.